Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Rafting, Outbond, Paintball, Team Building

Good afternoon, we'd like to share you an info from our programs at Banjour. Good news for you who likes an adventure or have adventourous life to join in our program with a good trainer. We have lots of adventourous program such as Rafting, paintball, team building, biking, hiking and any kind of outbond. We will bring you to get closer to a nature, beautiful Bandung. So, just check it out guys...

Group Package

Masrukhul AMRI – Knowledge Entrepreneur
Palayangan trip 7 Km
Ice breaking games
 Singer – single electone
Barbeque Night
Facility :

Transportation            ( tourism Bus seat 47 )
Homestay                  ( Capacity 20 person/room )                                            
Meal  3 x                  ( Dinner day 1, breakfast Day 2, lunch Day 2 )               
Snack   2 x               ( night snack – during rafting – include coffee time )               
Barbeque night                                                                                            
Mineral water during activity                                                                                                         Entertainment   
Spanduk 1 pcs                                                                                         
Medic Team / Doctor
    If you want personal Rafting, just call our contact person and we will glad to please you :)                                                                     

    Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

    La Bonita Guest House

    La Bonita Located in Jalan Cipaganti Bandung, it's not so far from Rumah Mode Factory Outlet available 5 rooms for 15 persons
    - free breakfast
    - wifi
    - tv cable
    - hot water
    - baverage
    Cheap price only IDR 700K
    Feels like own home...

    Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

    Rumah Mawar ( House of Roses )

    Haiiii, this is our second home.yes that's it! House of Roses which is Located in North Bandung what a beautiful place in bandung ever. The owner of this place is one of the Founder of banJour, Can you guess who? yeeaaa from the name you can mention him Ruly Rose tarrraaaaa...
    Rumah Mawar berdiri setahun lalu atas kegigihan Ruly untuk mengembangkan bakat beliau yang notabene lulusan pertanian, selain itu juga beliau ingin mengenalkan cara bercocok tanam sebagai salah satu pilihan usaha untuk para lulusan SMA atau SMK. Di rumah mawar ini terdapat sekitar 3000 buah pohon mawar putih dan merah muda yang bisa dipanen setiap 2 hari sekali. Jika kamu berkunjung ke tempat ini akan langsung bisa bertemu dengan si pemilik dan mendengar penjelasan tentang seluk beluk bunga mawar. Berapa siihhh masuknya? harga masuk rumah mawar sangat murah hanya dengan membawa uang sebesar Rp 50.000,- kamu sudah bisa membawa pulang 1 lusin mawar berikut merchandise, aiihhh sama aja gratis doonnngg masuknya hehehe...yes!
    So guys tunggu apalagi yuk kita berbaur dengan alam dan menikmati bunga paling indah sejagad raya hanya di Rumah Mawar Agrifarm...